Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Scrambled Noodles

Hello my fellow Mommy Chefs! The other day I was watching a program on the Foodnetwork called The Best Thing I Ever Ate. This particular edition was about breakfast foods that celebrity chefs on the network adore. This dish was SO strange that I had to try to replicate it to see what all the fuss was about! Know what? It was a hit! My son flipped for it and has been asking for it ever since. I used whole wheat pasta with wheat germ to make it a little healthier and punched up the freshness with some freshly chopped Italian parsley which also lends some extra vitamin C. This dish would also be good with some chopped fresh spinach or asparagus if you want to take it a little further and serve it for lunch or dinner. Give it a try, you may just enjoy it!
P.S. I served it with a fruit salad made with berries, cantaloupe and kiwi! Colorful and so so yummy!

I often get asked about using Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. The reasons I use it are many. So here is my laundry list of why you can feel good about consuming this cheese regularly!
1. The taste of the REAL thing cannot be replaced by imitators. Yes, it can be pricier, but you only need a bit to make a big impression.
2. It is very easy to digest due to the aging process, so makes it easier for children and the elderly to absorb it's nutrients.
3. It is a GREAT source of calcium(it takes about 5 quarts of milk to make 1 lb of cheese) and protein. In fact, 3.5oz. of this cheese is the nutritional equivalent of 10 oz of beef!
4. Excellent source of Vitamin A, B2, B6, B12 and has a lower fat content than any other cheese except Mozzerella.
5. My favorite: It's versatile! I use it in eggs dishes, pasta, cold salads, etc.

8oz. whole wheat spaghetti, fettucine or linguine cooked al dente
4 eggs(organic/free range eggs are high in Omega 3 fatty acids), lightly beaten
1 Tbs. butter
1 Tbs. olive oil
1/2 C. parmegiano reggiano(freshly grated)+ extra for sprinkling
2 cloves fresh garlic, minced
2-3 Tbs. Italian parsley, chopped
1 Tbs. wheat germ
salt and pepper to taste

Heat olive oil and butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Drop garlic into the oil and saute lightly for 2 minutes. Add in pasta and wheat germ, stir into oil and then add in the eggs. Use a slotted spoon made for pasta(looks like a claw with holes in it)and continually moved pasta and eggs around to combine as the eggs cook. Just before the eggs are finished cooking, add in cheese and parsley and make sure to completely mix into the pasta/egg mixture. Salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with a bit of cheese after it is plated up!

Serves about 4.


Brandie said...

oh yummy can't wait to try it!!!

Lim Family said...

YUM! I am definitely going to give this one a try, SOON! Thanks for the idea! I am also, now, very interested in buying GOOD cheese. I LOVE cheese! Any idea how long it keeps?
Thanks! XOXOX

The Mommy Chef said...

I will keep for weeks if you keep it sealed. It never lasts long enough in our home to go bad!

By Jen said...


Your site looks amazing and so do those recipes!

I'm working on mine, so check back frequently for some "Healthy" recipes! I even have a "healthy" meatloaf!
